Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Busy busy busy. If it's not studio work, it's yard work. Well, it's mostly yard work. Also trying to get as much bike riding in as possible so I don't die at the Hilly Billy Roubaix at the end of the month.

Got some good press recently. My submission for Illustration Friday got pick of the week a couple weeks ago.    http://illustrationfriday.com/2016/05/pick-of-the-week-for-nostalgia-and-this-weeks-topic/

And I got a nice write-up after doing the cover illustration for last week's City Paper.   http://www.pghcitypaper.com/Blogh/archives/2016/05/25/a-conversation-with-this-weeks-pittsburgh-city-paper-cover-artist-john-hinderliter

Had the opportunity to do this illustration and design for a decal for some friends in California that I've never met. They also sent me a delicious bottle of bourbon!

1 comment:

anna said...

You always can publish something absorbing that does not http://awriter.org/freshessayscom
waste minutes of your life like what you see on countless other sites. This is very interesting and I will be back for more. Thanks for sharing