Saturday, December 29, 2018

Boy, it's been forever since I put anything new up here. First I was crushed in the studio, then it was Christmas which, let's face it, is an unpaid second job for a month, and now I'm sick with some kind of chest cold. Ugh.

It's the week between Christmas and New Years, I have no work in the studio and this cold is making me sleep all the time, so I have absolutely no idea what day of the week it is.

Anyway, I'm nearly finished with a kids book about Broadway for Penguin Random House. Just a handful of illustration roughs I'm waiting to hear back on.

It's a really fun book and I'm really happy with how the illustrations look. Hopefully, I'll get to do  a couple more books in the new year.

Then I started working on our Holiday card in a blind panic. Couldn't really come up with an idea I was happy with, so started rendering this.

Then, in the middle of it, remembered a sketch I had done at an SCBWI conference a few years ago.

So, I shut down the Chris Moose card until later and banged this one out in a day so I could get them printed in time (thank you, VistaPrint).

You just never know when you'll have a better idea.

Then, I needed to get a piece of art done for my wife for a Christmas present. She is a HUGE Prince fan, so I did this scratchboard drawing and had it printed on a t-shirt (thanks again, VistaPrint) that she could wear to yoga.

Pretty damn happy with how it turned out and she loved the shirt, so all is good.

Happy New Year to all!

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